Latvian scientists develop a method to determine the distribution of coronavirus to wastewater in the environment Latvian scientists are developing […]
“I would love to participate!” – Oeds Bijlsma The rayon manager training course on water quantity is starting again! Wednesday, […]
The annual report for the year 2020 is out. Completely renewed!Read all about the hybrid learning environment, the PoVE Water […]
SKILLS PANORAMA: Skills intelligence provided by Cedefop promoted PoVE Water project In Europe the Water sector faces several challenges. Besides […]
Czech professionals meet online to establish CoVE in the Czech Republic and planning Regional educational webinar Online meeting on establishing […]
A tentative success – PhD thesis on public-private partnerships In these turbulent times, how should the government go about achieving […]
Scottish Water launches two new digital learning hubs aimed at school pupils Scottish Water has launched two new digital learning hubs […]
Education of Water Management Specialists is on the Agenda of the Latvian Education Policy In close cooperation with representatives of […]
Water and Beyond session event “With knowledge and skills: water as the engine for economic development and jobs” Water and […]
Jan 2021 Marijn van Dongen was invited to give a presentation about developing education with impact. His goal of this […]
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