Expand PoVE Water by setting up and interlinking CoVE Water networks that operate on regional level

Increasing student’s, teachers’s and professional’s competence for international activities

Drive innovation by developing contemporary digital and virtual reality learning materials

recruitment, retainment, reputation

Future proof the workforce for the water sector and avoid a brain- & skills-drian

Latest news from our partners


On May 17-19, the Baltic Water Works Conference 2023 took place in Jurmala. The Latvia Water and Wastewater Works Association (LWWWWA) in cooperation with The Estonian Waterworks Association (EVEL) and the Lithuanian Association of Water Suppliers (LVTA) gathered more than 200 participants from water management companies of Latvia, Lithuania, […]
June 2023 Before the summer vacation period, Janis Rubulis organised a workshop for water industry and VET representatives. The topic of the workshop was related to people’s aspirations, drivers, activities, skills, motivators and interests, which are important when choosing a profession. The workshop was led by an experienced career […]
The water industry witnessed a groundbreaking moment at the University of Stellenbosch with the regional launch of the Centre of Vocational Excellence (CoVE) in Water. Industry leaders, educational institutions, and government bodies joined forces, highlighting the transformative power of industry involvement in shaping the future of […]
The Platform of Vocational Excellence Water Scale-up project (PoVEWater Scale-up)

is a transnational project that draws on existing and emerging vocational competences and skills needs in the water sector

PoVE Water Scale-up aims to integrate vocational excellence in the water sector, ensuring high-quality skills and competences that lead to quality jobs and careers, meeting the needs of an innovative, inclusive, and sustainable economy. The project will build on the results of the Pilot PoVE Water and expand PoVE Water both geographically and overall quality. The project aims to be a worldwide point of reference for Vocational Education in the Water sector, embedding sustainability and digitalization in all of its activities.

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    Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.

    PoVE Water Scale up Grant Agreement – 101055851

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